first impressions are total bollocks

a while ago, i ran across an old (10/7/04) journal entry i had made about my initial impression of grifflet, who i first met erroneously as the guy who got the job i wanted primarily due to better attendance.  the entry was such a rude commentary, so uncharacteristic of me and so grossly inaccurate regarding grifflet, that of course i just had to post it here for the world to see. :D  (hey, and plus grifflet said i should, so.)

…And the guy they hired… does he actually DO anything?!?  Every time I walk by, he's just sitting at the desk looking vapid.  But at least he's there 100% of the time, doing nothing.  He never calls in to say he's too sick to sit at a desk and stare at things.

i think it's particularly fitting that a mere 3 weeks later was the first of many times i'd have to eat these bitter, petty words: namely that Halloween when grifflet showed up to work as a blood-soaked zombie.  since then i've come to know him as the ringleader of the revolution at work, a kick-ass GM, a generous friend, a scary-smart dude and a surrogate big brother.

i shudder to think of life's near wrong turns and the great things we'd never know we'd missed if we got everything we wanted when we wanted it.

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8 Responses to “first impressions are total bollocks”

  1. 1 Matthew J January 13, 2007 at 10:32 pm

    Hear Hear for a good man. We owe it all to our daddy griffon. may his dice always be lucky!

  2. 2 Dylan January 14, 2007 at 10:22 am

    Don't blame yourself, Ernie. It's good to know my cover of "looking vapid staring at a computer screen" fooled even you! (How else would I get away with all the crazy and radical things I do without looking vapid on the surface?)Thanks for all the compliments! I, for one, am grateful that you gave me a second-chance and overcame your first impressions about me. It's too terrible to think of an alternate reality where you and I were enemies instead of friends.(Except, of course, that we'd be AWESOME enemies and the entire library would be our battleground. Still definitely not worth the trade-off though.)

  3. 3 Dylan January 14, 2007 at 10:23 am

    "Who's your daddy?" Booyah!

  4. 4 Matthew J January 14, 2007 at 11:28 am

    would the use of robots be forbidden, or awesome?

  5. 5 AnnaPants January 14, 2007 at 2:23 pm

    I love this story. It's so funny how things change and evolve. Our opinions, no matter how dead-on they may seem at the time, should always be moldable/changeable…or, like you said, we might miss out on something really great.As for Mr. Staring-Blankly-at-the-Screen – keep it up! You're an awesome force for change in a very static environment.

  6. 6 Ernie January 14, 2007 at 8:28 pm

    would we be ULTIMATE enemies? in an ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN of sorts? maybe… of ULTIMATE DESTINY??

  7. 8 Ernie January 17, 2007 at 12:57 pm

    who else could pwn every superhero, then commit seppuku?

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